Gary will behaving rotator cuff surgey on June 7. He has a complete tear on the right shoulder and the tendons have retracted. Not a lot of fun for him. He's truly missing softball, racketball and other fun things. Hopefully this will eliminate most of his pain. About 6-12 weeks in to his recovery he will have the left shoulder done. Not a complete tear, not all that much pain, but it needs to be fixed. I hope he can handle me being his "nurse".
I continue to do my quilting and it truly is a passion. I'm making baby quilts since we found out Jeff and Shawna are expecting a little "Peanut" in December. Gives me something to strive for. It's so much fun making baby quilts and all the kids will not be needing blankets for a long time.
Enjoy the random shots of the girls. I'll try to be better in the future - but can't promise.
Congrats Jordyn on graduating high school
Jordyn and her best friends after graduation!
Kennedy syling.
Two more days until summer vacation. Let the party begin.